Greetings of Hope & Health
In the Beginning…
As we have all learned through this recent crisis with Coronavirus or Covid-19, our world is not as predictable as we thought. Although scenarios like this have a long history in fiction, a reality like we are facing today all over the world, I could never have imagined four months ago. So…here I am, like you, trying to figure a way out of Covid-19, how to stay healthy and prevent the worst from happening.
At this point, we are fighting an invisible enemy, but this may not always be the case. The coronavirus (Covid-19) may take other physical forms as we move towards an aftermath — forms that show the psychological impact of coping with the side effects of this pandemic such as isolation, fear, insecurity, helplessness, as well as the global economic impact.
As I was pondering all of these things and wondering how long it will take to get to the other side of coronavirus, I began to rethink a lot of what I have been doing over the past few years. I began to understand that in most things I need to find out what is most important, the very essential, for the endeavors I have undertaken and want to continue to pursue. I need to pare things back to the bone. It means redirecting the time and energy I have left towards the things that will provide the most value to the people in my life and those that have somehow been connected with me in the past.
What’s New…
So it is in this vein that I have decided to totally revamp Off Beat Photography Workshops and Tours. Since the coronavirus has ensured that travel in the future will be very different from the way it was before its arrival, I have been busy redesigning the tours and reimagining all educational components of the Off Beat family, as well as inventing some new ones for the post Covid-19 period when travel once again resumes.
As you can imagine, these initiatives will take a lot of time to finalize, but fortunately now, we have time. Meanwhile, as I’m creating the New Off Beat Photography Workshops and Tours, I decided to use the site’s blog to stay in touch with you and as a means of passing along some of the most important information I have found for informing us about coronavirus and the impact it’s having on almost every aspect of our lives. Now, you may be wondering why…here’s why….
The Off Beat Blog…
As you may have already found out for yourself, it’s difficult to filter through to the truth of what’s really going on and how we got here, and how we will get out. Since I have also stumbled through the morass of fictionalized truths, finding a truth buried in this quagmire is a major event and certainly worth celebrating. So to celebrate, I want to pass on this information to you, so it can help you and you can then pass it on to someone else to help them. I’ve been fortunate in finding some real gems of information — not opinions, but facts! And because it was so hard mining this information, I feel compelled to share these things with you so you can skip the frustrating long hours uncovering them yourself. In this way…and together, we can create a flood of positive information that will give us strength, courage and the determination to look beyond this pandemic. We can incorporate into our new philosophy and behavior the positive things we have learned through this experience and start making our world (yes…our very small world that we share) a better, sustainable planet that we are proud to pass on to our children, and to their children.
Until the coronavirus is contained — hopefully within the next couple of months — I will be posting regularly, sharing links that helped me get my head around this pandemic and the ineffectual role that most governments have employed in detecting, containing and preventing Covid-19 (except for a handful of countries, most notably, South Korea and Taiwan).
It is also my hope that we can grow as a community and that you will share what helped you with others, and post in the comments section things you discovered so I can pass them onto to the people I know. And like nature, together we can regenerate the positive aspects of being alive. [Click link below for a powerful message from Coca Cola.]
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Positive
Remember, when things get tough, look to nature — every question and every answer is there, waiting to be discovered. Nature is extremely powerful; look at how it regenerated itself in a very short time over the past two months. Imagine if we (I mean the majority of us) put in place some ways of living in the future that nourish and sustain nature. What would our world look like then?

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